1. What is PC Utility Manager?
PC Utility Manager is a utility that Enables you to:
- Access the frequently used utilities like Notepad, MS Paint etc from your desktop context menu
- Schedule your day to day task with optional task reminder after the due date.
- See who is accessing your shared files and folders with optional security
alerting mechanisms like beep alert and window popups.
- Browse the internet securely with a built in light-weight browser specially designed to block almost all internet based viruses.
- Access the predefined frequently used Internet sites from your desktop context menu
- Configure and access the frequently used application and Internet sites based on your needs from your desktop context menu
- Backup your important files and folders using our special module Mr.Backup
2. What type of customer this software is suitable?
This software is suitable for all types of customers who wants to save their time.
3. Is it Free?
The basic version of PC Utility Manager is completely free except for some features which needs registration of the software for a small one time fee.
4. My existing browser is very slow and I suspect there are lots adware/spyware loaded as add-ons which is causing this problem. What should I do?.
Try the browser shipping with PC utility Manager. This browser doesn't have any addon option. This means that it will not load any third party add-ons which implies it will load the web pages fast and will have a safe browsing experience.
5. When I try to Edit and schedule the tasks , or try to enable the network security alert options a registration dialog pops up. What should I do?
You need to Register/Purchase PC Utility Manager so as to enable this feature. One you registered and entered the registration key which we send you, then you can use this feature without any pop ups.